College of Neohumanist Studies
Ydrefors, Sweden
The College of Neohumanist Studies (CNS) has evolved out of Prashiksana Matha also popularly known as ”The International School of Social Service” as a necessity to expand the existing curriculum of teachings in Yoga, and Intuitional Science. Prashiksana Matha was originally set up in 1976 to offer an opportunity to those who wanted to devote their lives to self-realization and social service. The college is located in Ydrefors, Sweden in the tranquil natural surroundings of forests and lakes.
At present the college has the following faculties:
The curriculum provides academic training to those becoming Yoga and Meditation teachers and/or teachers of Neohumanist Education. CNS also has a collaborative relationship with the Commedia School, an international theater school in Copenhagen.
The summer and early Fall of 2010 saw CNS Sweden come alive with several lively programs. Among them were, the workshop on Neohumanist Education & Culture led by Dr Marcus Bussey; Insights into the Milky Way by Sister Indumati; Homeopathic & Public Speaking workshops conducted by Tony Carlyle and the hosting of 4th Annual Yoga Educators Conference. The power-point presented by Sister Indumati on the Milky Way received an enthusiastic response from all participants. Meanwhile, Sis Jyotiorekha continued with holistic healing sessions at the Integrated Health Centre in Ydrefors. Dr. Shambhushivananda also spoke at the International Womens Center in Stockholm on "Spirituality and Social Responsibility" on September 20, 2010.
Yoga in Schools, Bolzoni, Italy
By Christian Franceschini
In June, in one of the schools in Bolzano (South Tirol, Italy) where I teach Yoga, a whole morning was dedicated to a yoga festival. Alessandro Manzoni is a primary school which has 240 kids, and all of them took part in the yoga show. All the parents were invited and the 50 teachers and the school director were also there.
My father and my wife, Krsnapriya, helped me to bring and prepare an exhibition with posters, pictures, children’s drawings, etc. on the levels of the mind, the benefits of kaoshiiki, asanas, how to do half bath, etc.
Each class acted out one part of the yoga program done during the year: some showed a few asanas, others surya namaskar. Eighty participated in a kaoshiiki competition (the winners got kiirtan CDs) and all 240 did kiirtan and meditation. The atmosphere was thrilling! The kids were excited and proud to show their parents what they could do. The weather was beautiful sunny and warm, just perfect for performing the different activities outside.
At the end we offered fruits to the children and answered the many questions coming from parents and relatives.