We are excited to announce
NHE Educators Summit
"Sharing NHE Methods and Materials"
July 18-25, 2006 in Ydrefors, Sweden

• Practical training in NHE for new and old teachers and directors
• Exchange of NHE practices in the classroom between directors and teachers in NHE schools
• Training of NHE Diploma Programme students
• Graduation of students who have completed the NHE Diploma Programme

What the Conference Offers

• Sharing of tested NHE classroom practices by senior directors and teachers of NHE schools from around the world, including valuable practical knowledge and skills in various subjects for early
childhood, junior high and high school aged children.
• Building confidence and creativity in
developing further research and educational material.
• Guidance for NHE Diploma distance learning course students.
• Inspiration and assistance for those interested in starting new NHE schools.
• Exchange on YES, STUVOL, ELF, SPROUT programs and publications


• Certificate of attendance by AMGK (accepted as Staff Development Credits for NHE Teachers)

What You Can Do

• All are encouraged to make requests for specific workshops that would benefit their projects.
• Those offering to share workshops, materials or activities are asked to submit their proposals by December 31st 2005.
• Please let us know of your intention to attend as soon as possible. amgk.glo@gurukul.edu


Euro 200 per person for accommodation, food and programme materials
Pre-registration: Advance of Euros 50
(nonrefundable) to be paid by March 31st, 2006

Organised by

Ananda Marga Gurukula in coordination with ERAWS and WWD Berlin Sector
Details and confirmed participants will be regularly announced on NHE Forum and at

"NHE Educators Summit is an opportunity for all those who are interested in the NHE Education system to come together and share their practical wisdom. I encourage all our concerned workers and teachers to avail of this opportunity of sharing and learning."
Ac. Shambhushivananda Avadhuta, Kulapati, AMGK

“This Educators Summit for sharing practical material has been requested from many corners. This is now the opportunity for everyone to bring their multimedia presentations on their school and material to present in workshops with others. We will be contacting individuals who are requested to bring their experiences but everyone please feel free to contribute the things that really work with children that you have been applying. We are looking forward to accommodate everyone's needs and gifts in this conference.”
Avtk. Ananda Rama Ac., Avtk. Ananda Bhadra Ac., Programme Incharges